PROTECTOR will launch their 6th LP "Cursed And Coronated" next February 26th via High Roller Records. The label will also reissue on vinyl the three PROTECTOR classics "Leviathans Desire", "A Shedding of Skin" and "The Heritage", while "Misanthropy", "Golem" and "Urm the Mad" have already been re-released earlier in 2015. We already posted info about the vinyl versions of "Cursed and Coronated" [here], title track below.
29 January 2016
PROTECTOR "Cursed And Coronated"
PROTECTOR will launch their 6th LP "Cursed And Coronated" next February 26th via High Roller Records. The label will also reissue on vinyl the three PROTECTOR classics "Leviathans Desire", "A Shedding of Skin" and "The Heritage", while "Misanthropy", "Golem" and "Urm the Mad" have already been re-released earlier in 2015. We already posted info about the vinyl versions of "Cursed and Coronated" [here], title track below.
BAPHOMET´S BLOOD "In Satan We Trust"
iron Bonehead have just released last monday "In Satan We Trust", the fourth album of the italian speed-thrash metallers BAPHOMET´S BLOOD. The 12" LP is available as 350gsm jacket with matt barnish and inside flooded in black, 140g black & ultra clear vinyl, 250gsm cardboard insert with matt varnish, Limited To 1000 Copies [700 Black Vinyl & 300 Clear Vinyl, 100 Copies With Slipmat]
Iron bonehead has also reissued BAPHOMET´S BLOOD first three full-lenghts "Satanic Metal Attack", "Second Strike" and "Metal Damnation" 12"LP on cool special editions, each limited to 500 copies. Below you can stream "In Satan We Trust" in its entirety, no need to say it loud!!!
DESTRÖYER 666 "Hymn to Dionysus" new track from "Wildfire"
Second single from DESTROYER 666 upcoming LP. The song "Hymn To Dionysus". "Wildfire" will be released next february 26th via Season of Mist.
26 January 2016
COFFIN LUST "Manifestation Of Inner Darkness"
Hells Headbangers set date release on May 13th for "Manifestation Of Inner Darkness", the debut album of COFFIN LUST. The band "...comprises two Australian metal veterans, J.R. (drums/guitar/bass/vox) and P.W. (guitar/vox), who collectively number between them such hordes as Nocturnal Graves, Denouncement Pyre, Impious Baptism, Destruktor, Cerekloth, and Trench Hell among others" You can get more info about preorders for CD, Vinyl, Cassette tape and Digital at , on HH´s bandcamp page [here] and you can also check two tracks revealed , "Swarming Black Inferno" and "Execration Of Mortality"...Pure Darkness! Full tracklisting below...
Excoriation of Morality
Beyond Redemption
Mass Extinction
Chaos Absolute
Swarming Black Inferno
Damnations Bringer
Prophecy of Malevolence
Manifestation of Inner Darkness
Beyond Redemption
Mass Extinction
Chaos Absolute
Swarming Black Inferno
Damnations Bringer
Prophecy of Malevolence
Manifestation of Inner Darkness
Coffin Lust,
MASS HYPNOSIS from Russia have just released the debut demo. Including seven songs of Old-School Thrash metal, the demo was recorded by Guitarrist/Vocalist Alex, who also has is other one man band From Beyond. Here is one the killer tracks, "Time To Die". More info at...
25 January 2016
GOATCRAFT "όλεθρος" MLP Update
Last Friday I posted about the inminent reissue of GOATCRAFT "όλεθρος" [Olethros] debut EP on 12" vinyl [here]. Now Iron Bonehead posted a song from the EP and confirmed the release of "όλεθρος" in one month. In the meantime listen to "Temples of The Underworld"...
23 January 2016
POSSESSED "Demo-nic" Boxset

Floga Records is releasing a cool box set of POSSESSED 1984 demos + live recording. The "DEMO-NIC" Boxset includes 3 LPs + 3 TAPES + 44 pages fanzine!!! Limited to 550 [black] 350 [white] and 150 [splatter]. Release date January 31st! More info at this location.
TOTTEN KORPS "Supreme Commanders Of Darkness"
Chilean Death Metal veterans TOTTEN KORPS presents the official European / Asian / North American version of their second full-lenght LP "Supreme Commanders Of Darkness" in collaboration with The Horror Dimension and Pathologically Explicit Recordings . Below is the title track...
SABBAT "Sabbaticarved Sacrifice"
This is the Cool "Flyer" announcing "Sabbaticarved Sacrifice", the new SABBAT etched LP coming up soon through Iron Pegasus. Stay tunned for more news soon...
22 January 2016
The Dark Goddess is the new release of
the dark and eerie band TEMPLE BELOW. To unveil the details concerning this
strong release and the mystery around this band, read the following words and spells. Dare to descend Below…into the unholy Temple…
talk a little bit about the history behind TEMPLE BELOW. How and when did the
band was put togetHer?
zazas nasatanada zazas! Ave! The Coven of the Temple Below is grateful for its
chance to spread Her rites, words and hymns via this medium! It was put
together during a revelatory state of soothsaying under the influence of
absinthe back in 2007. It originates from the concept of the temple below the
temple within. Thus beyond the beyond is where we are building Their shining
temple of faith and devotion!
How did
the whole concept developed? Did you have in mind the whole picture…band name, lyrical
concept and the image before the music or did everything developed together? What philosophies, ideologies, or mystical
systems have contributed most significantly to the thematic content of your
Yes everything was in mind before there was ever any music recorded, all
except the logo. We intended to be the Black Mass put to music and that our
most holy intention hasn’t changed, only got more firm, more steadfast! The
band formed with the aim to be a Black Magic Metal coven of Death and will
remain so! At that time we lived in 3 different countries and never intended to
play live. We were welded together by our devotion and the cruel dogma for the
glory of real Black Metal in eternal praise of the Gods of HELL!!! Im
personally extremely influenced by the 218 current, which I hail as the most
potent of all that I have read books from but we have no contact with them,
beside that I am practising the teachings from Cultus Sabbati. I am of course a
Devilworshipper myself. To me magic is the bullet in the gun, just like Satan
is the prime instigator and sole requisite for Black Metal! Without Satan no
Black Metal and without magic and true purpose only impotent spells and screams
are cast forth via the music! This is the Devil´s music so His deeds we MUST DO!
the musical roots, what bands influenced the sound and style of Temple Below´s
To play something along the tradition of Greek Black Metal. Just by
opening our souls to the Darkness and Demons within and without, to verily
become the vessels and heralds of the black living flame! “There are no
coincidences only magical patterns waiting to be unearthed”KJS S. Our lead
stars in the Abyss are Varathron, Thou art Lord, Samael, Mortuary Drape, old
Necrodeath, Blasphemy (we will do a cover of Nocturnal Slayer in Spanish next
rehearsal hopefully) and Mystifier. These covens at least to me offered a more
active occult side to the music compared to that was going on in most of Scandinavia
back in 95-96, which occult speaking were the formative years for me.
first demo "Temple" was released in 2008, the sound was really raw
and eerie, and how would you describe the mood of the early days and the first
creations of the band?
find it possessed, full of Devilworship, blood-sacrifice and heavy of incense
smoke. Very much in the vein of old Italian and Greek Black Metal. We were, are
and will remain a shining beacon of devotion!
In 2012 Blood Harvest released “Dies Irae”, would
you say it was an “improvement” or just a natural step forward? Tell about the artwork and the lyrics of songs
such as “Hail Satan” or “Holy Death”
Our only progression possible is ever more obsessed, even more occult and eternally ever onward to the Death and Beyond! Since our latest member joined then, who have played drums professionally for some old Swedish Black Metal bands since mid-90ths, it finally got the potency the drums needed to be a thunderous cavern of snake-rhythms and ritual war drums! The cover-artist is Daniel Corcuera, aka Nekronikon. He have done all other art for Temple Below so the choice was obvious, he match our music and perfectly understands our weird, intricate and demanding requests. We gave him quite many directives but as always he made something completely beyond what we could have imagined. He made something volatile, something that ties all together yet set it free and unbound the dormant force, his art makes all our releases come alive, thus making the totality far greater than the individual parts as with all great magic! Beside him I could only consider to work with David S. Herrerias, Denis Forkas and Timo Ketola for Temple Below. The release is an eschatological one focused on Armageddon and world Death and the white phase of al-Khemia. The ritual versions contained lyrics stained with communion wine and stolen oblat host wafers thus making them a communion of Holy Death and Sacred Destruction!
Our only progression possible is ever more obsessed, even more occult and eternally ever onward to the Death and Beyond! Since our latest member joined then, who have played drums professionally for some old Swedish Black Metal bands since mid-90ths, it finally got the potency the drums needed to be a thunderous cavern of snake-rhythms and ritual war drums! The cover-artist is Daniel Corcuera, aka Nekronikon. He have done all other art for Temple Below so the choice was obvious, he match our music and perfectly understands our weird, intricate and demanding requests. We gave him quite many directives but as always he made something completely beyond what we could have imagined. He made something volatile, something that ties all together yet set it free and unbound the dormant force, his art makes all our releases come alive, thus making the totality far greater than the individual parts as with all great magic! Beside him I could only consider to work with David S. Herrerias, Denis Forkas and Timo Ketola for Temple Below. The release is an eschatological one focused on Armageddon and world Death and the white phase of al-Khemia. The ritual versions contained lyrics stained with communion wine and stolen oblat host wafers thus making them a communion of Holy Death and Sacred Destruction!
The release of the Dark Goddess will mean for sure a
huge event in the bands career and a major presence of the band name and
reputation of the band in the whole scene. How was the creation process of tDG,
the song writing the rehearsals and the work on the whole album concept? Is there a spiritual or philosophical meaning
of this record for the band? Is it a concept EP?
Yes it will indeed be a
grand eve for us! We had a quite clear vision of how it should manifest,
mid-paced, keyboard leaden haunting Black Metal magic of doom. Needless to say
when dealing with these kinds of forces it did not unfold like it had been
foreseen. All members except me agree on that this whole recording have been
cursed, many things have reminded of a light-version of ONE Grimoire of the
Golden Toad and how its spirit refused its manifestation, here its rather been
ordeals and various things morphing and changing beyond our control. I see it
as a blessing, an unfriendly reminder that things beyond our control are
running the show, a blessed curse. We have paid such high prices for its
manifestation, which can’t be further discussed here. And the amazing organ
parts that had been mapped out by a member from the Third Eye Rapists didn’t
happen due to such circumstances nor did the mid-pace tone envelop etc. too
many things to mention all. But beside that, both the music, the words of
devotion and the art of the arte turned out in my not humble opinion in a
perfect unity and emanating symbiotic synergy. A votive sacrifice that I with
pride can lay on Her bloodstained altar! If there would be no spiritual or philosophical meaning connected to
Satan and the pantheon of Hell it would Not be Black Metal! It is a theme album yes,
but I don’t think it demands further explanation, just to listen to it and read
the words of loyalty and devotion!
is different from the Dark Goddess compared to “Temple” and “Dies Irae” in
terms of production and song writing?
None of the releases were
recorded in the same studios and for this one I even refused to record my vocals
with any human souls around me, I recorded it in my own Ummu-Hubur studio in
which a frater of mine also recorded some vocals for the latest Nightbringer
album. The new release is
recorded in 3 different studios. Since I do not compose music, I
merely have visions and do the lava mantras, I cannot really answer this. I
assume the very act of creating both the aspects understood by its composer and
those which cant nor should be grasped, all hidden agendas it entails, the
various needs for manifestation along with the many reasons and goals will be
as many as its practitioners. But rest assure our blood, sweat and tears were very
literally split for our Gods and Their greater honour and glory!
The tripanel artwork seems to have a complex and
deep meaning, Is the artwork created specifically to accompany the music and,
if so, how is the relationship between the art and the music cultivated?
Yes it is and the inner
layout as well to both reflect the inner journey via these Goddesses and an
external journey as a novice to an initiate and then the cutting of the ties to
life and Samsara. The art of the Black Magic Arte from Daniel Selfdesecrator
well reflect the three Goddesses and the forth image which is made as a poster
by the highly talented Nicola Samori both embody the ambient gateopening fourth
song and to me can also be regarded as a synthesis between all four and as a
representation of Naamah Queen of the Gateways. We are also endlessly grateful
not only to Daniel but also to Nicola Samori who humbled Temple Below by
letting us include a painting of his of in this our sacrifice to the Dark
Goddess! Im more proud of this than any other release I have participated in
over the last 20 years. To see that the release of the Dark Goddess, after
years in preparation, finally draws neigh its point of manifestation brings a
bittersweet taste like wormwood and sulphur to my foul demonolator mouth. The
vision of this release was largely my own poisonous brainchild. I have been
unbearable in my possessed and hypomanic state concerning everything involved
in it; from the design, to the music, to the mixing, which VK did a killer job
with by the way, to the art, all of which may have attributed to the other
members leaving the band is to me fully understandable. Nonetheless being so
obsessed was really worth it, as it seems we are about to reap a plentiful
bounty for Her greater glory via this release. In my mind the closer the
manifestation of ones vision comes to that original searing lightning thought
of initial gnosis when first borne in the shared psyche of sorcerer and serpent
and cast forth bright and swift to the waken mind during hypnotic states of
visionary madness, when these visions manifest with minimal compromising of
that first immaculate ray of divine inspiration, it means to be one step closer
to the distillation black golden goal. It means that this filthy, confined and
limiting universe of the dying weltering gaia can no longer with her loathsome
filters shackle us nor pollute and dilute the thoughts of resistance and
destruction harboured in the black hearts of the chosen. O´ quicken and chasten
us with your fire, hasten our black inner al-Khemia!
We do not put = between the
different Goddesses, we rather explore the uniqueness within and without the
lore and love of each of the Goddesses we have devoted ourselves to. As the
soothsayer of the temple I personally work with a myriad of gods and goddesses
and so other members of the coven, I primarily work with Goddesses, and of
those these three along with Tiamat, Kali and Naamah are the prime goddesses of
my home-hearth of perdition. There will
also be 33 ritual editions of this release for sale only through me. Full Rites
will be included in the very limited Ritual edition. Instructions for one rite
for each of the Goddesses we pay homage to. The one for Lilith is written by
Asenath Mason and a soror of hers, here used with her kind permission. In
addition to that I will also include a terracotta-figurine of one of the
Goddesses as ritual focus, a seal in clay which is created within the canon of
the Temple Below and there referred to simply as the seal of the Dark Goddess,
the conjoined currents of the triune void and which sterile middle circle also
works as a tunnel for Her black lunar menstruum. Furthermore I will include an
incense of my own making, sand from the Red Sea and 3 obsidian arrows, each one
different to reflect the various facets and aspects of the Three in order for
them to; pierce our hearts, cut the bonds of Samsara and fixate our path.
Finally I will also include a pomegranate kapala. Each object have been
consecrated and blessed under the auspices of Black Luna for a minimum of three
nights and some of the ritual items for over a year. HAIL LILITH! HAIL
11 copies that will be
distributed privately amongst our own lines and circles, 11 copies of the LP
and 11 copies of the CD will only be sold to those who deserve it= are serious
about the religious commitments and the ritual undertakings that comes with the
practising of Black Magic and living and dying for Black Metal! This is how
Euronymous intended it this is how it should be! Be gone ye profane! If you do
not believe in Satan and the pantheon of Hell you are worse than the enemy for
they at least believe in their God and prophets! Hekas hekas este bebeloi!
In your
facebook page there is one gallery dedicated to छिन्नमस्ता [Cchinnamasta], as well as Trivia Ekati, please let
us know more about your interest towards this.
It is not an interest it is a way of life
and death for me, not a single day have passed over the last 3-4 years during
which I have not paid my respects to one of my 3 prime Goddesses. During the
four years between the releases I have personally become increasingly
eccentric, manic, mad and uncontrollable which in itself have been a sacrifice
and an ordeal. This have largely been attributed to my way of life as a recluse
hermit of sorts and also for the isolation which have been demanded and deemed
necessary for the writing of my book for Her and the undertakings of Her rites
in a suitable fashion. I have even refused to record when other living souls
were around so things like that factors in. We wished with this release to
commit nothing but a pure glorification of the 3 prime Goddesses which we
serve, to act as a portent portal and yet as gateopener to Her mysteries! A
true labour of Love and Devotion it has been to drink Her wine of Damnation and
spill our blood for Her!
Are there are band members that also play in other
bands as the rumours says? If so are there any kind of influence from those
bands reflected in the music or attitude of Temple Below?
No, there are no
band-members who play in other bands! Of the founding-brothers I alone remain
after this release in the coven. Three of the four founding
members of the coven have other bands as well and due to the success of these
bands over the last few years they have chosen to focus on them instead. I
fully support them and understand their choices since those are some of the
best bands in the underground right now.
The drummer who joined us for the recording of Dies Irae now accompanies
me. Since
he master all instruments he also composed parts of the Dark Goddess but he did
not play drums on this release. Upon his return from India he will be the
primogenitor of the musical aspect to this fierce vehicula driven by mad
devotion and known as the Temple Below. We are influenced by many bands but
none of which the rumours say we had members from, no.
Temple Below is described as an international band,
with members from Chile and Greece, where is the band actually located? Are you
in contact with other bands that you respect or sense some kind of brotherhood
are very few bands whom I share even a similar or close to same religious
devotion, dedication in damnation and vision with, that would for example be
apt for us to share stages with. They would probably only be these that would suit
to play live with; Acrimonious, Force of Darkness, Blasphemy, Trepaneringsritualen,
Void Meditation Cult, Third Eye Rapists and Nightbringer. There are 2-3 more
covens but those would probably be the covens which the old members reside in.
Our coven is located in Greece and Sweden nowadays.
The mighty Iron bonehead Productions will handle the
release of The Dark Goddess, how was
it you ended up signing with them for the release of this record?
Yes it is a big thing for
us and we are grateful that Iron Bonehead and Blood Harvest will support us for
this release. I cant remember if it was someone from Vassafor or Blasphemy that
mentioned them to us or that one of our coven-members had met the boss of Iron
Bonehead and talked about a pact. We are very honoured to be part of a label
that is serious, professional and devoted. Blood Harvest we have worked with
before and they too do a great work.
was the last album you bought / listened that you really enjoyed?
Informis –Womb of the Wild, was the best magical infused m-lp of 2015, the album
I bought and enjoyed before that was Henbane by Cultes des Ghoules [Yes! one of the best albums of 2013 - Chris].
As far
as I know you haven´t performed live rituals yet, will you play live in the
near future?
we will, we have just not decided How it will manifest and what would be the
least filthy and degrading way to present our sonic rituals in. In fact we have
done one live ritual, 2 years ago in the legendary DeathMagiccurrent 6 or DM6
studios in Chile, but that was more of a ritual with some music in and
basically no spectators, just a handful of solemn participators from Force of
Darkness and Wrathprayer. The rabid essence and flame of Black Metal must
always be there. Black Metal should always be a sabbatical experience, like
whirling around the flames in trance, drunk on blood and welcoming demons for
possession of the flesh, possession of the mind! I am also convinced that Black
Metal should be played live and who are we to question Our Gods?
perfect stage for us would be in a ghost-town close to a volcano in Chile, the
town was laid to waste by an earthquake some years ago and its church have a
big crack in it, so to play there was one of our visions of later years when
considering playing live and yes that would in so many aspects be a close to
ideal setting. We are also investigating playing in a deserted granite-quarry
in Sweden, the quarry have a natural amphitheatre and there would be no
spectators, we would only play for our Gods, a bit like a Black Metal version
of live at Pompeii. We have also considered playing live where I hold my pujas
outside, a place where great Horned Owls make their nests and gather their
young in the shadow of Lilith.
or all places of the world. After a while you discover that all places are the
same because humans are the same. But I had some very violent and drugsoaked
days in Estonia 15 years ago. Human lives doesn’t mean anything neither to them
nor me!
What are
your current future plans, what do you expect for 2016?
It might depend on the response
this release will get, but a full-length album should be in the works. There
will certainly be some kind of live ritual once we find members enough and a
nexus worthy of opening the vortex of the Void to Tehom and Tiamat in. Both the
Black and the Red Dragon seethes and dreams, within and without, beyond and
The final closing words are up to you...
Thank you! Here are some Power
Names of Hers as a gift. These have been unearthed during my 2,5 yearlong
research for the book She of the Night. These all be names connected to Lilith:
”I have nineteen names. One, Vestitza; second, Novadaria; third, Valnomia;
fourth, Sina; fifth, Nicozda; sixth, Avezuha; seventh, Scorcoila; eighth, Tiha;
ninth, Miha; tenth, Grompa; eleventh, Slalo; twelfth, Necausa; thirteenth,
Hatav; fourteenth, Hulila; fifteenth, Huva; sixteenth, Ghiana; seventeenth,
Gluviana; eighteenth, Prava; nineteenth, Samca”.
Another set are the
following: ”My first name is Gylo, the second Morrha, the third Byza, the
fourth Marmaro, the fifth Betasia, the sixth Belagia, the seventh Bordona, the
eighth Apleto, the ninth Chomodracaena, the tenth Anabardalea, the eleventh
Psychoanaspastria, the twelfth Paedopnictria, the half name is Strigla”.
Also the names Obizuth,
Avezuha and Avestitza should be regarded as holy to us. Alongside with the
sinister blackthorn, willow-tree, the pine-tree, patchouli and the bramble and
”The first is Miduch,
second Edilta, third Mouelta, the fourth they call Lilitha and Malvitha”. ”My
first name Geos, second Edilta, third Lambros, fourth Martlos, fifth Yamnos,
sixth Samyos, seventh Domos, eighth Dirba, ninth Apiton, tenth Pegogha,
eleventh Zardvech, Lilitha, Malvitha and the strangling-mother of children”. Hear ye well these names of yore! ”Hear:
Satrina, Lilith, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Ita, Podo, Eilo, Patrota,
Abeko, Kea, Kali, Batna, Talto and Partasah!”
Io Io Hekate! Io Io
Hekate! Io Io Hekate! Goddess Vāmamārga She carves my eye of Three! Mahavidya
Cchinnamasta I owe it all to Thee! May ye one and all daily bleed for Her
honour! Hail the Dark Goddess!!!
Iron Bonehead Productions will reissue "όλεθρος" the debut EP of the Slovakian trio GOATCRAFT. Originally released only on CD and limited to 500 copies last year by Hexencave Productions, "όλεθρος" will be availabe on 12" vinyl and the releasedate is February 22nd. The EP contains 13 tracks with an overall playing time of 25 minutes. Check out the tracklist below and the track "Temples Of The Underworld" from their debut demo "απώλεια"
Isle of the Dead
Temples of the Underworld
Cataclysmic Monuments
At the Nightside Dawn
Morbid Call
Chthonic Crevices
Down Below
Invocation of Death
Dreadful Dimensions
Far from Elysian Fields
Temples of the Underworld
Cataclysmic Monuments
At the Nightside Dawn
Morbid Call
Chthonic Crevices
Down Below
Invocation of Death
Dreadful Dimensions
Far from Elysian Fields
21 January 2016
SERPENTS ATHIRST "Heralding Ceremonial Mass Obliteration" MLP
SERPENTS ATHIRST hail from Sri Lanka, the band released a split in 2011, a demo tape titled "Prevail" released in 2012 and the EP "Heraldin Ceremonial Mass Obliteration" launched last March through Cyclopean Eye Productions on CD limited to 500 copies. Invictus Productions releases "Heralding Ceremonial Mass Obliteration" on 12" vinyl, The EP can be heard in its entirety at this location via The song "Ritual Vomiting" and tracklist below...
Intro / Heralding Ceremonial Mass Obliteration
Ritual Vomiting
Congregation Decimation
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