31 January 2014
Church of San Bernardino Alle Ossa
Chiesa di San Bernardino Alle Ossa, Milan, Italy
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi...
30 January 2014
Soulseller Records will release OLD FUNERAL´s "Our Condolences" compilation as a double picture Lp set. Limited to 500 copies in a gatefold cover and fully printed double sided inserts as with the previous (sold out) black and white vinyl editions. Additional images are placed on the picture discs themselves! Cult release!!
29 January 2014
AT THE GATES are working on a comeback studio album! "At War With Reality" is expected to be released by the end of 2014 via Century Media Records. The album will be the band´s fifth full lenght and will be recorded with the line up of their classic fourth album "Slaughter Of the Soul" released in 1995!
23 January 2014
22 January 2014
DEATHRONATION debut LP news!!!
DEATHRONATION reveals cover artwork and tracklist of the debut full lenght LP "Hallow The Dead" soon to be released! Worship Death!!
Deathchant Assyria
Spiritual Relief
Beg For Your God
Church Of Salvation
Steelpanther's Fist
Realm Of Shadows
Age Of Whoros
21 January 2014
How do you feel after the release of Black Death Horizon, would you say it is your best album so far concerning song structures and production?
We feel very good, but sound wise it did not turn out the way I thought it was going to be. But it's good that accidental stuff happen in the process. As for the songwriting and the material in general, especially the lyrics, I think it's the best we have done, next to the tracks : A spawn of a dying kind and the worm that gnaws in the night. We put more thought and I think more of our selves, our soul and blood into the songs this time around. It's more genuine feelings and atmospheres, not so much "influenced by" etc.
The reactions so far have been more than positive, and you have been nominated for Norwegian Grammy , how important is for a band like Obliteration to be nominated?
Haha, it's not important to us at all. But it is important for the metal scene in Norway that a band like us, that sound raw and hateful with a "non-professional" production, no business bullshit get's nominated and get press. It shows the kids that there are other, more honest forms of metal than Dimmu Borgir and all the junk. We were nominated and WON a Grammy for best metal album last year with my other band NEKROMANTHEON. It was sweet. The award show was yesterday btw [Jan 18th -ed], and Kvelertak won.

It was great! it was a lot of hard work, but it was a lot of fun. We got pretty close with the Degial guys, great band and supreme people. It was a stone cold death metal tour. The best shows were Ljubiana/Slovenia, Krakow/Poland, Berlin/Germany and Gothenburg/Sweden.
Do you have any funny or crazy moments of the tour that you´d like to share?
When this dude at a bar in Krakow tried to convince us that he was an american tourist, but he was just a polish pimp, and his "girlfriend" and other female friend were hitting on the Degial guys. H.Death from Degial exposed him though "SHOW ME YOUR PASSPORT"!! It was extremely funny. Meeting the DROWNED guys at our Berlin show was also very cool.
Ok, how would you define your style? do you agree to be labelled as old school death metal?
Well, better to be called old school death metal than most other things, but I would not agree that we are 100 per cent old school death metal. We worship the old ways of recording and dealing with sound, no fancy plug ins, pedals or triggers, and we crave an organic and analog product that sounds raw, dirty and alive. But we try to make music that in one way or another are our own. We want to grow and move forward, not just playing homage to the old goods. We want to become GODS of our own. To accomplish this, one have to look further into the abyss and further into your mind. We are also into so many different styles of music that it has to make its mark on what we do somehow also. We are not strict death metal at all, but we are strictly evil.
Would you say that after 3 full lengths and 2 EPs you are a mature band or still you have to improve in certain things, if so, on which ones?
We always have to move forward, progress or regress and improve. We can never be satisfied or comfortable, then we would lose the edge that makes us interesting. And I don't feel mature or experienced, I'm just angry. Our sound and way of writing songs will evolve and "improve" til the day we die.
Personally I find the cover artwork of the album distinctive and weird, same as the artwork of your predecessor album Nekropsalms, unusual and intelligent use of art, far from the “standard death metal art”, so how do you choose the artwork?
t was our drummer, RKV who did the artwork, and it's just his perception of how the album should look. I feel that the artwork has to reflect the music, and it has to be inspired by the music, or the other way around in order to fit. I'm a fan of untraditional art and weird shirt that challenges your mind.
Can you give us some words about the lyrics in BDH? What themes do you find lyrically inspiring?
The end of the world, Satan, Esoteric doctrine, black magic, coldness, the art of death and hate.
What bands Influenced you and inspired you to play this style of music?
As stated earlier, we tried not to directly inspired by bands this time around, more focus on atmospheres, attitude and feeling. Trying to make sounds to the lyrics etc. But we listen to a vast selection of bands, as long as they are raw, soulful and has a edge, something unique, then everything from Leonard Cohen to Burzum can be inspiring. But, roughly said, Autopsy, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Magma, Black Sabbath, VON, Repulsion, Necrovore, Possessed and mutilator plus sooo much more psych, black death, doom, thrash, Kraut and hard rock and punk inspires us.
How often do you rehearse? And how much time do you spend listening to music? Ipod,vinyl or CD?
Like once a week. Sometimes less, sometimes more. It depends if we have a tour or shows coming up, or if we are busy with other things. I listen to music everyday, on my ipod, through spotify on my pc, but mostly vinyl. I only buy vinyl. (yesss! the way it should be hehe!- ed)
Do you think in the past it was difficult for death metal bands in Norway receiving attention due to the massive interest in the Norwegian black metal scene? Would you say that things have changed and that today is the same for a death or black metal band?
Njaaa, maybe. But the good death metal bands were in the same scene as the black metal bands anyway. But people outside of Norway only expect black metal or avant garde stuff, so I guess it is a bit harder to make it.. But I think people recognise that quality music can come from anywhere.
Besides Obliteration, you and Arild play in Nekromantheon. Can you give us a brief description about the situation and the future of Nekromantheon?
We are writing our next album as we speak. We are playing some selected shows, but we try to focus to finish our third album as soon as possible.
What is the strangest place and the most shocking place where you have been?
Hehe, I guess when we played in Dubai with NEKROMANTHEON, and Baltimore with both bands. It was pretty strange and shocking in it's own way.
The next steps for Obliteration will be…
We are playing in Finland and India in February (12th, 15th and 16th), and we are going on a USA tour in March from 12th of march, to the 22nd. We are playing some festivals this summer, and we'll see, maybe another european tour after the summer. Then we need to start to write again. But we might take a small break and focus on NEKROMANTHEON for a bit around the release of the next nekro album.
Thanks very much for your time, end this interview the way you want.
Thanks for the interview, listen to Black magic, Swallowed and Mare, and keep supporting the underground movement of obscure and mid blowing arts.
20 January 2014
18 January 2014
16 January 2014
SADISM presents new single!
15 January 2014
What motivated you to form a band like Körgul
The Exterminatorl?, did you had clear from the start that you wanted to play
this style of music?
Joe- I
started K.T.E. As a side-project apart from my main one man band Akerbeltz
because I wanted to do something different, I had this songs composed and I
thought that they weren't the style I wanted for Akerbeltz or some of my other
side-projects and in fact they didn't sound like Black Metal in the way I
understand it, so I decided the four tracks where very good and deserved a band
Körgull The Exterminator as band name, is a perfect homage to a great band and a great song, how
did you came up with this idea and what was the first reaction of the rest of
the members?
Joe- At the
beginning I was the only member, so no one could say nothing about the name
(he,he). Since I first heard Voivod I wanted to be in a band called Korgüll the
exterminator but nobody I played with did seem to like the name, so this
decision was finally in my hand and I didn't doubt in using the name; it was an
homage to the band, and I also changed the “¨” and put it in top of the O as an
homage to Motörhead.
band was born in 2004 but you didn´t record anything until 2008, were you
focused in rehearsing and playing live during that period?
first release was the split 7" with Morbid Yell in 2008, what memories do
you have of that recording?

was the experience of recording a live album (War Over Genova), do you think
live albums are important to show the band´s live strength and energy?

Now you know, this metal beast takeS no prisosers!! To the Death!!!
was quite funny, I had this guitar player that was all interested in the
project and I showed him the songs and he was all excited about it and when I
said I was ready to record the tracks he sought of disappeared.... So I found
another “great” guitar player, he was also very excited and we were going to be
something in the history of metal and so and so.... I recorded the drum part
and when I went to give him the tracks in audio he didn't fucking come! I had
to go about 80Km. With my son that was only a toddler and he only had to get
the bloody tube and the bastard didn't dare to come!
I was very
pissed about this and decided that K.T.E. Would not exist in the end, so I kept
the tracks and carried on with my one man band doing all my things; after four
years I sought of jumped out of the drawer and became the band I always dreamed

Mark- Well,
drum parts were recorded three or so years before… And also Joe guitar parts,
as He was also playing one of the guitars in that release. I rehearsed with him
a couple of times and learned the four songs of that split before recording
them on our own rehearsal room. That was my first recording ever so I remember
I was a bit nervous, hehe. Anyway it was a very “cold” recording session as we
were only supposed to record that tracks and fuck up the band. During
rehearsals some new tunes were coming and we ended up rehearsing new stuff
every fucking week. That’s when we became a real band with Steel’s addition as
bass duties.
the 7" debut, you have been releasing material every year, would you
say that is it important for you to be active and creative?
Mark- The
debut was a CD Split actually, hehehe (yes indeed! I don´t know why I´m always thinking about vinyl hehe! -ed) We rehearse every fucking weekend so we
are always playing new stuff Joe and I work at home and constantly creating new
songs… Only if we have a lot of gigs coming on we use to stop new stuff and
concentrate on rehearsing set-list ones. Anyway we don’t have any kind of
pressure to make new songs so we never get anxious about coming up with
something new. The day we think new stuff isn’t good enough or don’t feel
creative we’ll take things more calm. We don’t want to release anything we
don’t believe it’s good!
How many gigs have you played so far? any
concert that you remember for a special reason?
Mark- Wow…
Don’t fucking know man! Haha Maybe 50 or 60… Can’t remember! There has been
really good show experiences, like playing Live Evil fest in London and other
shows outwards our country. But also we have great memories here at home,
Barcelona, specially one with Cruel Force and Nocturnal where crowd was fucking
crazy or specially the three we have done in Madrid. People there always has a
great response with us! Also I must admit that there has been a huge amount of
shows that I was so extremely drunk that I can remember anything!!! There is
one that I can even remember going up onstage… But people told us it was a
great show so I’ll have to believe it… haha
Joel- I think that live albums are quite old school and that people nowadays don't have
the guts to release them because they depend too much on technology, so that's
another battle we have won.
when I listened to your voice for the first time it reminded me of Sabina from
Holy Moses, not saying that you sound alike, but it reminded me that rough and
raw style of singing, far from the more guttural “Angela Gossow style"
that most of the female death metal singers try to reach nowadays (
except for a few ones) Do you agree?. Which female and/or male voices
have inspired you to sing this way?

Lilith- To
tell the truth, the singers that have inspired me to sing this way are Chronos,
Becerra or Quorthon. I do admire
singers such as Cadaveria (Opera IX), Wendy O'Williams, Lory (Nuclear Death) or
Noctuaria (Nebrus).
I think
that nowadays most singers (male and female) try to sing gutural. The problem
is that singing that way they loose strength and feeling, and they all sound
the same. There is actually a music academy in Barcelona that teach classes of
gutural singing!!!! (que cojjjones!!!, I mean, what the ffffuck!!!??? - ed)
You have worked with black metal bands, Akerbeltz, Harridan and Beheaded Lamb,
and you played drums for the latest two. What´s your opinion about nowadays
black metal scene? Do you miss playing drums?
Litith- Actually
I also played drums in Akerbeltz, in Countess and Enkidu. I do miss playing
drums but it wasn't my choice to give up playing drums, it's due to tendinitis.
I also had to give up playing bass guitar. The true
Black metal flame burnt during the 90's, because it was fresh, new and full of
energy. Nowadays there are still good bands but they've lost the black flame.
You had to live the 90's to understand it.(yeah I Know what you mean, I have the same feeling too. -ed)
Is there any chance to see you recording with
them again? Are those bands still active?
Akerbeltz is still active but I don't collaborate any longer and all the other
bands are long dead.
speak about your latest releases, Metal Fist Destroyer was released early this
year, how was the reaction in the international scene compared to 2010s War of
the Voivodes?
Mark- It’s
still soon but everybody seems to think it’s our best release up to date!!! We
are proud of every fucking one, but this one has been the one with more effort
behind. Musicwise I can’t really see any important differences with our
previous stuff. Maybe it’s a bit more elaborated but the essence keeps the
same. We have the formula and we know what we want so don’t expect any changes
in the future.
you just released 4 new songs in the shape of a split album with Graveyard.
What can you tell about this songs?
Mark- We
recorded them in the same sessions while Metal Fist Destroyer and were composed
exactly at the same time so it continues with our sound. You can find a couple
of new songs, one Graveyard cover (as the did also one of ours) and a song that
has become some kind of “classic” in our shows from our first Split completely
re-recorded with the sound we have nowadays. Really cool release with a brother
Tell me how this idea of a split LP was
developed, how was the contact with Doomentia records?
Graveyard and us are really close friends, as bands but also in a personal way
so as far as I remember we came up with the idea of making a Split together
during a drunkard party… We also came with the idea of covering each other band
and making it something special. Lukas from Doomentia had worked in the past
with Graveyard and also will work with us in the near future so we have with
him a constant relation via e-mail. We asked him about the idea and he was
completely excited about it.
Mark, you also play guitars in Graveyard,
so it must be cool for you to be on the LP with both bands.
Mark- Yeah,
I’m with them from last year and half and I can say I’m really happy with that
as I was a “fan” (and friend) of that bastards from the very beginning. The
fact is that when we came up with the idea of the Split and took the picture
and all of that I didn’t know I would end up playing with them! Hahaha And Also
Javi Bastard from Graveyard plays nowadays the bass with Körgull The
Exterminator, so it seems that Split was some kind of premonition!!! hahaha
Besides K.T.E. and Graveyard you also
recorded guitar on the demo “Flagellator” of the Italian band Infektor, are you
still involved with them? How do you manage to work with three bands?
Mark- Well
Infektor is a cool project I have with Cris from Italian band Satanika. I
composed a bunch of songs for that project and it has to be unleashed this
2.014. It really don’t take any of my time nowadays so I can concentrate on
Körgull and Graveyard. It’s not difficult to work with both of us as we
schedule activities thinking of all the rest of the members! Everybody is
playing in more than a band so it isn’t different with me.
How important is the lyrical side for the band?
What message do you want to express through the songs?
Lilith’s the one behind the major part of the lyrics, but also Joe has written
three or four. Lyricwise we use them as a complement for our music. It keeps on
with the violence we play, and believe that Lilith is able to write some of the
most violent lyrics I’ve heard… Don’t look any message through them, just
there any new band that has impressed you lately and you would recommend?
Joe- I have to mention Nebrus, I'm quite impressed
about them, they are very dark and fast and there's a female singer in the
style of Cadaveria from Opera IX....
name at least 5 or more of your all time fave albums.
Joe- Welcome
to Hell, the return, Pure holocaust, De mysteriis dom sathanas,To megatherion
and Nefarious dismal orations.
Lilith- Seven
churches, Raining blood, Welcome to hell, Transilvanina hunger and Blood, fire,
Impossible to answer… But Running Wild’s Death or Glory would be the first one!
you ever imagined yourself playing in the 80s? imagine this… World War III
Festival …Voivod, Celtic Frost, Possessed, Destruction, Nasty Savage
and...Körgull The Exterminator!!!
Joe- It
would have been very good... But we also have some very powerful bands nowadays
and we are proud to share the stage with them, I mean, not only the old bands
are the good ones....
Joe- For
me the most shocking place was playing at the Puerto Hurraco in BCN, it was a
squat house and I had to get into this door sideways because my shoulders
didn't fit in, I loved it!
Ok, so
what are the next steps for the band and what do you expect for 2014!
Mark- We’re
now preparing a special underground release recorded again in our rehearsal
room ready to be released at first as a very limited tape. It’ll be a split with Akerbeltz where every
band will play two new songs and then cover the two songs of the other
completely adapted in each other style… hahaha Freak! We’re also coming up with
new shit for our fourth full-length to record it hopefully at the fall of the
year… Also we’re near to announce that
Doomentia Records will release our second full-length “War Of The Voivodes” on
vinyl on a special double LP with four songs professionally recorded live and a
couple of covers as bonus tracks. You’re the first one to know about it! haha (Cool hehe! -ed)
you like to add anything to end this interview?
Mark- Thank
you very much for your support, man… And to all your readers keep your ears
into Metal Fist Destroyer! We’re Körgull The Exterminator… and we are here to
14 January 2014
BLACK VOMIT RECORDS will reissue the first two Cult albums of the Brazilian diabolic force known as MYSTIFIER. In co-operation with the band the label will re-release "Wicca" and "Göetia" presented on LP format. As the press release says..."For sure, two of the most evil sounding records ever recorded in the history pf black metal, carrying the occult aura and blasphemous felling of the early ´90s." As true as Evil!
Cult Releases from FLOGA RECORDS!
Hail vinyl maniacs! FLOGA RECORDS have available two (among many others) cult releases for you. Co released with Hell´s Fire fire records is THOU ART LORD´s "Orgia Daemonicum" is available for first time on vinyl. 300xBlack and 200x Red splattered copies
Another Cult one is the reissue of MASACRE (Col) "Requiem" available again after 22 years. Originally released though Osmose Productions. Now available 350xBlack and 150xWhite copies with heavy gatefold and printed inner sleeve!!!
8 January 2014
TO THE DEATH RECORDS have released a split 7" from SABBAT and MORDANT. "Swedish Demon Slaught" limited x 500 copies (100 handnumbered copies on black vinyl + patch, 200 copies on red vinyl and 200 copies on grey vinyl). More info here:https://tothedeathrecords.bandcamp.com/
6 January 2014
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